August 2023 collective abundance forecast

Spirit is NOT PLAYING with us this month. The collective is undergoing a potent awakening, and it’s up to you to accept the light or deny its truth.

As a divinely created entity, you are perfect and whole as is, and as a human being inhabiting Earth who’s been indoctrinated into the noise of the world, some of your behavioral patterns are straight bullshit. 

God is always illuminating our path forward and leading us exactly where we are meant to go. He is more invested in your growth and becoming than even you are, and He will call you out to raise you higher.

Where are you acting like a bit of a fuckhead in your spiritual journey? 

This month, we’re all being asked to confront our entitlement: our sense of entitlement to having all the answers, to feeling comfortable at every step on the path, and to instant gratification. 

Spiriting is @-ing you at this time, and it’s an expression of your autonomy and free will whether you will wake the fuck up or further bury your head in the sand. Just know that if you keep playing out the same bullshit patterns, expect the same bullshit to bounce right back to you.

DO the work. Don’t just think about the work; don’t just theorize about it. Are you listening to God or thinking about Him? Are you wishing for sales or are you SELLING? You feel the difference? 

You gotta rise up if you want to receive.

Private readings for August are now OPEN. If you’d like a book a session with me to help you release your nonsense and actively your divinely appointed blessings, you can book a private session right HERE.

Get yourself to grow. Give to God to receive. Live your life as an act of worship to the Divine. Select a card below to receive a specific prosperity message just for you.

(Please note: These readings are meant to serve for entertainment purposes only and are not to be take as professional financial or medical advice.)


You’re being invited into a healing portal at this time. Some of your old patterns, vices, and behaviors are impeding your spiritual growth and ultimately your material abundance as well.

You’re being asked by the Divine to examine your perception and beliefs regarding your freedom. Who and what external forces and conditions are you handing your freedom to? Freedom is an energy that begins from within and blooms through our connectedness to God.

Ask the Divine what self-destructive patterns you need to become aware of at this time if you truly wish to prosper spiritually and materially. The greatest gift of life has already been bestowed upon you. Where are you relinquishing your power, finding comfort in victimhood, and playing ignorant regarding your power and sovereignty?

Divine cannot act on your behalf when you hide from your own greatness. Rise up to break free and receive.

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Spirit is coming in to break your head out of the clouds, Group Two. There are material matters that need to be tended to, and you’re being asked to transcend your avoidant tendencies when the reality of your life makes you uncomfortable. 

If you break this pattern, you will go so much farther than if you continued to pander to it. Spirit is bringing this to your awareness in the interest of your evolution. You do not need to fear what is, only challenge your resistance to it.

Take care of your earthly matters like you’re doing them for God. Pay your bills for God. Complete paperwork for God. Send off the emails for God. Do everything with a joyful heart as if it’s an act of worship to the Divine.

Notice where you’re getting activated at this time, and take note of how you behave when you’re over- or under-stimulated. When you feel like you’re lacking in attention and engagement, what does your focus latch onto? When you feel like things are too much and overwhelming, how do you shut down? Your brain has a preferred zone of stimulation, but doing everything you can to stay in that zone is part of what’s keeping you stuck at this current financial level.

Ask Divine what you need to be aware of so you can break free. Why are you so resistant to delayed gratification? Who are you when you don’t get what you want right this instant? How do you behave?

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You are being asked to lean deeper into ritual in times of mystery and unknown, as these pillars will provide grounding and deeper connection to the Divine. 

What does your current practice of worship look like when it comes to Spirit? Where are you resisting devoting yourself to something greater, more powerful, and more knowing than you? 

You’re not meant to have all the answers, and if you were meant to know it, you would. Release attachment to having to know it all and have all the answers. This attachment is only causing you distress and keeping you in stagnation.

The only urgency that is real is God’s urgency. Breaking free from the illusion of human-made and fear-based urgency will serve you immensely over this lifetime and others. When you feel like “the plan” isn’t working, who do you turn to for validation, comfort, and understanding? Your bank balance or God?

Sometimes, God puts us in the underworld to humble us. While the void might look desolate, it’s a ripe time to transcend your addiction to control and break out of egoic illusions that the point of this work is to get your own way.

We do not do this work to make a million dollars. We do this work so when the million dollars comes, we know how to steward it according to God’s plan and not to compensate for our insecurities and emotional deficiencies. 

The key to prospering this month is simple: Get over yourself to be free.

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Our obsession with ‘ease’ is actually making everything *harder*